Fix Can Someone Explain Virtual Pc For Mac

2020. 1. 25. 13:19카테고리 없음

Fix Can Someone Explain Virtual Pc For Mac

I’ve never been a Mac fan, but I do have to say that our family does have several Apple products in our home, 2 iPads and an iPhone for the kids and my wife. Whether I like to admit it or not they do make a highly polished quality product. It had been an interest of mine recently to run Mac OS X on my powerhouse PC at home, but I wanted it to run as virtual machine. I raked over some sites that stated it was not possible, I found that rather funny I mean how is it not possible doesn’t Mac run on Intel hardware nowadays anyhow? Then I stumbled on this. It does a good job at showing the basic steps, however it doesn’t explain much along the way, I figured it would be good to break this down and explain it.

Yes, Mac OS X host support would be very good, also inside our company. Like that we could migrate all machines to Unix (Mac OS X, Linux) and then run Windows through vmware. I have a couple of installs. You need to go into the Bios for the VM you create and make sure ACPI is switched on.

Download this (approx. 6 GB), within this file is a file called Yosemite 10.10 Retail VMware.rar, this needs to be extracted to a location of your choice, preferably onto a SSD.

Virtual Pc For Mac 7.0

This rar file contains VMware prepped OS X files (vmx, vmdk) for use with VMware products. Install VMware Workstation or VMware Player, I chose the Workstation route since I already had it installed. Confirm VMware Workstation or VMware Player is installed correctly, and close the program. Download the latest, at the time of writing it is.

Extract the contents of OS X Unlocker onto your computer. OS X Unlocker essentially patches the installed VMware product so Mac OS X can be installed. It does this modifying some core VMware system files. Browse to the folder where you extracted OS X Unlocker and Run the following files As Administrator ( win-install.cmd and win-update-tools.cmd) Note: if something goes wrong or you’d like to restore the original files for your VMware application you can run win-uninstall.cmd. Run VMware Workstation or VMware Player and select Open a Virtual Machine. Select the Mac OS X 10.9.vmx file and select Open. Go to Edit virtual machine settings.

Either by right clicking on the Mac OS X 10.9 object on the left side panel or via the tabbed window. You can keep the default resources if you prefer or bump them up, I personally bumped them up to 8 GB and 2 vCPU. The important option here is Version which is on the Options tab.

This needs to be set to Mac OS X 10.7. This option is not available by default, the OS X Unlocker we ran earlier has exposed this option. If for some reason you don’t see this option, look at re-running the OS X Unlocker steps, it needs to be Run as Administrator. Now power on the Virtual Machine using Power on this virtual machine or by right clicking and going to Power Start Up Guest. The machine will boot up and take you through the OS X setup process, it’s very quick and painless. Once complete it’s now time to install the latest VMware Tools onto the newly created OS X VM. You may have picked up on it when we ran win-update-tools.cmd for OS X Unlocker it pulled down the latest and greatest for us to mount and install.


Right click on the Mac OS X 10.9 VM on the left side and go to Settings. Go to CD/DVD and go to Browse and mount the darwin.iso file. Make sure Connected is checked!. The VMware Tools installer should pop right up, just click Install VMware Tools and then reboot upon completion. If you want to take it a step further to improve the VM performance there is tool called BeamOff which is included in this file we downloaded in step 1. This tool disables beam synchronization which in turn improves OS X VM performance.

Mount the Beamoff Tool.iso similarly to VMware Tools in the step previous. Alternately you can download zip and do this yourself if you prefer. Extract the BeamOff application to somewhere on your VM. Go to System Preferences.

Go to Users & Groups. Click on your User account and select Login Items, click the + and browse and select beamoff. At the time of this writing OS X El Capitan is now available, if you want to apply it, go fetch the update from the App Store and install it! Hopefully you found this informative, I found it interesting and thought I should share my experience.

Tech Line Virtual PC MAC Address Malfunction Here's how to prevent duplicate Virtual PCs from using the same MAC address. By Chris Wolf. Chris: I have a 150 PCs running Windows XP across three VLANs connecting to Active Directory on a Windows 2003 server. Each PC runs Microsoft Virtual PC with a Windows NT 4.0 image connecting to a domain on a Windows NT 4.0 Server. DHCP is running on the Windows 2003 server with a different subnet for each VLAN: VLAN 1 = VLAN 2 = VLAN 3 = DHCP has been set up with a range of 200 IP addresses in the pool for each VLAN with an 8-hour lease.

With the VPCs running, VLAN 1 is running at about 70-percent capacity, VLAN 2 is running at around 50-percent capacity and VLAN 3 running at 20 percent. The problem: Some PCs are unable to obtain an IP address from the DHCP server. We can fix this by recreating the VPC.vmc file or by editing it and removing the MAC address, but then another Virtual PC will have the same problem.

We fix that and another will not connect; we fix that, then the first won't be able to get an IP address and so on. The XP host PCs never have any problems connecting. We don't have any problems joining the NT VPCs to the domain when we first set them up. — Andrei Tech Help—Just An E-Mail Away Got a Windows, Exchange or virtualization question or need troubleshooting help? Or maybe you want a better explanation than provided in the manuals?

Describe your dilemma in an e-mail to the editors at; the best questions get answered in this column and garner the questioner with a nifty baseball-style cap. When you send your questions, please include your full first and last name, location, certifications (if any) with your message.

(If you prefer to remain anonymous, specify this in your message, but submit the requested information for verification purposes.) Andrei, your Virtual PC problem does have a small history. In fact, Microsoft recognized the potential for the problem.

In the Virtual PC help file, you'll find this explanation from Microsoft: If you create an image of a host operating system that includes Virtual PC and virtual machines configuration files (.vmc files) and copy that image to another computer, each virtual machine configuration file included in the image contains a MAC address. The MAC address will not be reset automatically when you place the image on a new physical computer. As a result, the virtual machines that are copied onto the new computer will have the same MAC addresses as the virtual machines on the computer that was used to create the image. The help file will further go on to state that a solution is to delete the MAC address reference in the Virtual PC's associated.vmc file and a new MAC address will be automatically generated the next time the Virtual PC starts.

In the.vmc file, you'll see a line that reads: 0003FFxxxxxx The MAC address referenced in the file will always exist between the two ethernetcardaddress tags. To cause Virtual PC to generate a new MAC address the next time the VM starts, delete the MAC address referenced in the file so that the line reads: In fact, this is a recommended best practice when copying a single Virtual PC image to several host systems. As you already mentioned, you have attempted this procedure without any luck.

This is due to the behavior of the Virtual PC algorithm that generates the MAC address. When a MAC address is created, Virtual PC will check to ensure that the MAC address does not exist on the local LAN segment before assigning it to the Virtual PC. However, when separated by three VLANs, this default behavior will not work. This can cause the MAC address conflicts and, thus, the intermittent problems with obtaining DHCP leases. To solve this problem, you can take two approaches. Some of you are probably thinking 'Yeah, get rid of Virtual PC and replace it with VMware Workstation!' But, that isn't one of the solutions I'm considering here.

The first solution is to statically assign MAC addresses in the.vmc file of each Virtual PC VM. The Virtual PC MAC address prefix is 0003FF. So a workaround would be to statically assign new MAC addresses, such as: 0003FF000001, 0003FF000002, 0003FF000003, 0003FF000004, 0003FF000005, and so on. This approach would prevent MAC address conflicts altogether and allow each VM to reliably obtain its own DHCP lease. Another approach is to use the Virtual PC 'Shared Networking (NAT)' network binding, instead of directly binding each Virtual PC to the physical network adapter of the host. This is configured by opening Virtual PC, clicking on a Virtual Machine, and then clicking the Settings button.

From the Settings window, you then click Networking and select Shared Network (NAT) from the drop-down menu on the right-side of the window. With NAT configured, the Virtual PC would automatically receive a DHCP address from the host system and would be assigned the same DNS server that the host is configured to use. With this approach, having the host systems obtain a DHCP address is all that's needed. The NATing provided by Virtual PC would give each VM access to network resources, including allowing them to join the domain. With either of these approaches, you should be able to reliably connect each Virtual PC to your LAN.

Fix Can Someone Explain Virtual Pc For Mac